Malin's notes
fjerne led-disco
options 8812au rtw_led_enable=0
for dev in $( lsblk | awk '/sd[a-z].*1,8T/ { print }' ); do echo =============================== $dev ============================ ; smartctl -a /dev/$dev ; done | pastebinit
mdadm --remove /dev/md0 failed # all failed devices
mdadm --remove /dev/md0 detached # failed ones that aren't in /dev anymore
ip addr add dev eth0 ; ip route add default via dev eth0
Mulig rekkefølge med forbehold om at et ikke stemmer, for å endre vg navn på vg med root-partisjon vgchange gammel-vg ny-vg vgchange -ay
endre i /etc/fstab
grub-install /dev/XxX
update-initramfs -k all -u
Crossflash Dell PERC H200 from ir to it-mode
The short answer
I slightly followed this guide:
The longer answer is. I followed the guide, this way, but did it a little different
The longer answer
Prepare a usb memory stick formatted to fat32 with two folders called P07 and P20
Step 1 download old firmware
1. Download this zip archive from dell and unzip it:
2. Extract 6GBPSAS.FW from Y2R1T_9211_FW/Firmware/6GbpsSASHBA_07.03.06.00_A10
3. Extract 2118it.bin from FY2R1T_9211_FW/Firmware/9211-8i_P7/
4. Extract sas2flash.efi from Y2R1T_9211_FW/sas2flash/p05/efi/
5. Place the three extracted files in the P07 folder
Step 2 download current firmware
1. Extract 2118it.bin from Y2R1T_9211_FW/Firmware/9211-8i/P20/
2. Download this zip
3. Extract sas2flash.efi from Installer_P20_for_UEFI/sas2flash_efi_ebc_rel/
4. Place this to extracted files in the P20 folder
Step 3 download uefi shell
1. Download an uefi shell: x86_64 UEFI SHELL I choosed version 1 as it worked for the person in the guide Direct download link
2. Extract Shell_Full.efi to the root of the memory stick. I had to rename it to Shellx64.efi to use it with my motherboard, asus P8H67_M_EVO. Check with you motherboard vendor to determine how to use efi-shell
Step 4 flashing
1. boot computer to efi shell
2. If not present with a list with devices, type
map -b
2. On my computer the memory stick is called fs0 so I typed fs0: to change prompt to the memory stick
cd P07
sas2flash -listall
will show the controller. If not, check if it is installed to a pci-e port 5.
sas2flash.efi -c 0 -list
will show controller details and take a note of the sas address number 6.
sas2flash.efi -o -e 6
will erase the old firmware and boot rom 7.
sas2flash.efi -o -f 6GBPSAS.FW
writes the dell 6gbs firmware 8.
sas2flash.efi -o -f 2118it.bin
writes the P07 firmware
9. Then I rebooted
10. boot into efi again
cd P20
sas2flash.efi -o -f 2118it.bin writes the P20 firmware
Directly copied from the source, step number changed to fit my tutorial:
1. Step 6 showed “Erasing Flash Region” and then after a while “ERROR: Erase Flash Operation Failed!”. I simply proceeded and the error did not appear to affect anything.
2. Visit source to get screenshots vit the error messages
Compile rtorrent libtorrent and xmlrpc-c
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-xmlrpc-c |tee /tmp/conf.log
- Merk Noe Og Trykk U For Å Få Det I Lowercase, U For Uppercase ;)
- stor v for visual line eller liten for visual der du må merke noe manuelt
- ok. jeg glemte å markere først :p
- oki :)
- trykk ~ for å endre fra stor til liten bokstav ;)
How to repair efi bootloader/grub from windows
Open powershell as admin and execute the following command
example: bcdedit.exe /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\{distro}\grubx64.efi
if running debian
bcdedit.exe /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\debian\grubx64.efi
Setup new vm from template
If you have a qcow2 vm template, clone it.:
If you clone a qcow2 in use, stop the vm first:
virsh stop {domain-vm-name}
Then clone the qcow2
virt-clone --original {Domain-Vm-Name-Here} --name {New-Domain-Vm-Name-Here} --auto-clone
Configure your VM to your likings either by virt-manager (gui) or by cli
Start the new vm and log in, either by ssh, or via virt-manager
Change hostname to match the new name of the VM
sudo -i vi /etc/hostname
vi /etc/hosts
to match the name of the new VM
Example. change: debian-stretch-mal.debian-stretch-mal.locale debian-stretch-mal
to new-name-vm
Also add a line for the ip to the server who runs the VM and for the backup server if you have one, like this
192.168.X.X hostname.domain.xx hostname
change local ip to a free address
vi /etc/network/interfaces
and add the new ip in on the host
- sources
add bareos client
If you already have a bareos backup server
on the
- sources